Hello, everyone - I have an announcement to make. I'm sorry to say that the number of weekly strips will from now on be reduced to one.
It's not because I suddenly need to work more (though my supervisor could beg to differ), or because I'm adopting triplets, or because I've got a six-figure publishing contract to fulfill (I wish), or because I've finally decided to learn bar chords on the guitar (though that would be good).
It's because since I started doing these strips twice a week, it's been extremely difficult for me to justify spending extra time drawing and painting other things. So I want to reclaim 3 hours of the 6 I'm currently spending on the Doodles every week, so I can devote them to improving my artwork and colouring, trying other formats, doing some illustration, etc.
So I might do extra strips here and there but for now I'm settling on a weekly strip every Thursday (also in
The Cambridge Student).
Hope you don't mind
too much, and thanks for reading my Doodles!
Clem x